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MN Nice Project: Recap & Year Ahead - sota clothing

MN Nice Project: Recap & Year Ahead

In 2020, sota clothing had the opportunity to partner with Minneapolis-based non-profit Still Kickin. Famed for helping awesome people going through terrible things, they select a new hero each month and gift them a "no-strings-attached financial grant to help them get through whatever tough thing they're dealing with." Through co-branded merchandise, our summer warehouse sale, Omni Brewery's collaboration brew, and the RoundUp at checkout, we were able to raise over $32,000 so Still Kickin can continually increase their impact in our community. 

With the year ahead, we will continue to strengthen those who've dedicated their lives to serving on the front lines, bringing hope and restoration to our communities. In 2021, we will be doing this through our partnership with Minneapolis-based non-profit: Pillsbury United Communities. 

For more than 140 years, Pillsbury United Communities (PUC) has been co-creating change towards a more just society where every person has personal, social, and economic power. Their united system of programs, neighborhood centers, social enterprises, and partnerships connects individuals and their families throughout the Twin Cities. You might know them through one of their non-profit business ventures:
  • Breaking Ice: an award-winning program of Pillsbury House Theatre that paves way for dialogue around issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace
  • Full Cycle: bicycle shop in south Minneapolis that provides paid internships for youth experiencing homelessness
  • KRSM Radio: producing programs in over six languages, KRSM is a pathway for youth and adults to launch careers in media, 
  • North Market: a new kind of grocery store that offers nutritious food, healthcare services, and community wellness in North Minneapolis
  • North News: a North Minneapolis community news source produced in part by student journalists
  • Pillsbury Early Education Center: an accredited learning center that assures children are prepared for kindergarten
  • Pillsbury House Theatre: an outlet for the best local talent to share transformational art with the their community and engaging in conversations that bring about positive change
  • Sisterhood Boutique: a fashion retail boutique designed and ran by East African women in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood

 In the year ahead, we invite you to join us in standing with Pillsbury United Communities in the restorative work they are doing within our own community. 

 1. Purchase our MN Nice Tote bag 

       -100% of profits from the tote go directly to Pillsbury United Communities
       -PUC sticker included 
    2. Visit Omni Brewery this summer and ask for their sota clothing charity craft beer
    • $1/pint will be donated to PUC
    3. Shop our warehouse sale
    •  10% of the warehouse sales will be donated to Pillsbury United Communities

    4. Donate directly to Pillsbury United Communities

    5. "round up"to the next dollar on on-line orders at to donate to PUC

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